Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) - Establishment, Organisational Structure, Criteria for removal of Members, Function, Constitutional Provision

Introduction:- This article related to Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), their establishment, Organisational structure, Criteria for removal of Members, function,  and Constitutional provision.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

Union Public Service Commission is a Constitutional body. It is a central agency which is authorised to conduct examination in India for All India Services and group A and group B of Central Sevices.

The agency's charter granted by the Constitution of india Under article 315 to 323 of Part XIV of the Constitution titled as Service under the Union and the States for Public Service Commission for the union and for each State. Educationist Professor Pradeep Kumar Joshi is the current Chairman of the UPSC.

Established of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

UPSC was established on 1 October 1926 as Public Service Commission. UPSC was later reconstitued as Federal Public Service Commission by the Government of India Act 1935. It was renamed after independence Union Public Service Commission.

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Organisational Structure of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

UPSC consists of 9 to 11 member including Chairman. They all are appointed by the President of India in under Article 316. Every member holds office for a term of six years or untill he attains  the age of 65 years, Which ever is earlier.

The term and conditions of service of chairman and members of the Commission are governed by the Union Public Servive Commission Regulations 1969.

The Commission is examined by a Secretariat led by a Secretary with two Additional Secretaries, a number of joint Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries and other assistance staff.

Criteria for Removal of Members of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

The Chairman and other member of the UPSC can sumbit their resignation at any time to the President of India. He may be removed from his office by the President of India on the ground of misbehaviour (only if an inquiry of such misbehaviour is made and upheld by Supreme Court) or if he is adjudged insolvent, or engages during his term of office in any paid employment outside the duties of his office, or in the opinion of the President unfit ti continue in office by reason of infirmity of mind or body. The procedure of removed member of UPSC is given under Article 317 in Constitution of India.

Function of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

The function of Union Public Service Commission  is given under Article 320 of the Constitution of India are:-

  • To conduct various examination for the appointment to the service of the Union.
  • Direct recruitment by selection through interviews
  • Appointing department Officers on promotion deputation and through absorption
  • Constituting and amending the recruitment rules for various services and posts under the Goverment
  • Disciplinary cases relating to different Civil Goverment
  • About any other matter related to the UPSC, theycan directly recommend the Goverment by the President of India

Report of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

As per Art 323 of the Constitution of India, it will be the duty of the Commission to annually present a report to the President of the work done by the Commission. On report, the President shall present a copy before each house of the Parliament, together with a memorandum, if any explaining the reasons where the advice of the Commission was not accepted by him.

Constitutional Provision of Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

  1.  Public Service Commission for the Union and for the States - Article 315
  2. Appointment and term of the Office of member -Article 316
  3. Removal and suspension of a member of Public Service Commission - Article 317
  4. Power to make regulations as to conditions of service of members and staff of the Commission - Article 318
  5. Prohibition as to the holding of offices by members of Commission on ceasing to be such members - Article 319
  6. Function of Public Service Commission - Article 320
  7. Power to extend functions of Public Service Commission -  Article 321
  8. Expenses of Public Service Commission - Article 322
  9. Reports of Public Service Commission - Article 323



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