National Development Council (NDC)- Composition, Function, objectives and Other general information

Introduction:-  In this article we will tell you about National Development Council (NDC), composition, function, objectives and other general information.

National Development Council (NDC)

National Development Council (NDC) or the Rashtriya Vikas Parisad is an executive body established by the Goverment of india in August 6, 1952. Which is neither a constitutional nor a statutory body. It is the apex body to take decisions of matters related to approval of five year plan of the country. Prime minister is the ex-officio chairman of the National Development Council. 

The National Development Council is one of the key organisations of the planning system in India. The NDC has experinced numerous ups and downs in its fortunes. Its status has been determined by the prevailing political climate and the support provided to it by the goverment in power at the center and the effectiveness of the pressures ecerted by state goverments.

Composition of National Development Council (NDC)

National Development Council is composed of the members mentioned below.

  1. Prime Minister of India (Chairman of NDC)
  2. Chief Minister of all states
  3. All cabinet Ministers
  4. Administrators of all Union Territories
  5. Members of NITI Aayog

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Function of National Development Council (NDC)

The function of NDC are given below.

  • To prescribe guidelines for the formulations of the National Plan, including the assessmen of resources for the Plan.
  • To consider the National Plan as formulated by the NITI Aayog.
  • To make an assessment of the resources that are required for implementing the plan and to suggest mesaurses for augmenting them.
  • To consider important questions of social and economic polcy affecting National Development.
  • To review the working of the Plan from time to time and to recommend such measures as are necessary for achieving the aims and targets set out in the National Plan.
  • To recommend measures for achievement of the aims and targets set out in the National Plan.

Objectives of National Develoent Council (NDC)

It has been set up with these objectives.

  • To secure cooperations of the states in the execution of the plan.
  • To strengthen and mobilize in support of the plan.
  • To promote common economic policies in all vital spheres and to ensure the balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country.

History of National Development Council (NDC)

The first meeting was held by  under chairmanhip of India's first Prime Minister Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru on 8-9 November 1952.



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