Hantavirus-Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)

Introduction:- In this article we will tell you about Hantavirus or Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). Symptoms  of Hantavirus (HPS) and their treatment. How can prevent from this and risk factor of Hantavirus (HPS).

Hantavirus/ Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)

Hantavirus (HV) are viruses that belong to the Bunyaviridae family that are transmitted to humans through contact with the secretions of infected rodents.

HPS is a disease caused by hantavirus that results in human lungs filling with fluid (pulmonary edema) and causing death in about 38% of all infected patients.

Symptoms of Hantavirus (HPS)

(I) Early symptoms:- 

Early symptoms include fatigue, fever and muscle aches, especially in the large muscle groups—thighs, hips, back, and sometimes shoulders. These symptoms are universal.

There may also be headaches, dizziness, chills, and abdominal problems, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. About half of all HPS patients experience these symptoms

(II) Late symptoms:-

Four to 10 days after the initial phase of illness, the late symptoms of HPS appear. These include coughing and shortness of breath, with the sensation of, as one survivor put it, a “…tight band around my chest and a pillow over my face” as the lungs fill with fluid.

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 Treatment of Hantavirus (HPS)

There is no specific treatment for Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. It is important the infection is diagnosed early so patients can recieve supporative care including oxygen therpy, fluid replacement and blood pressure medications. Kidney dialysis may be needed.

What Are Risk Factors Hantavirus (HPS)

Environmental factors:-

Rural populations with potential exposure to wild rodents are at risk. There are cases of patients developing HPS without any obvious exposure to rodents, but it is possible that patients may not recognize their rodent exposure. In these cases, an awareness of other cases of HPS in the area and suspicious signs and symptoms should alert one to seek help and clinicians to establish early diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosis of Hantavirus (HPS)

This can be tricky, since the symptoms are like those you might see with other viral infections. If you have these symptoms, they persist or get worse, and you think you’ve been around rats or mice, then see your doctor.

She can test your blood for hantavirus, and can run tests to rule out other potential problems.

Other tests might be needed to make sure the symptoms are not caused by something else.

Prevention of Hantavirus (HPS)

  • Stay away from places where rodents leave droppings
  • Wear rubber gloves and a mask that covers your nose and face during exposure to mouse droppings
  • Use disinfectant to sanitize areas containing mouse droppings so infected dust does not spread in the air
  • Seal holes in and around your home so rodents cannot get in
  • Trap rodents in and around your home to decrease the population
  • Avoid leaving food out in your home and when camping
  • Before entering spaces known to have rodents in them, air out the area


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