
Showing posts from April, 2020

Preamble of the Constitution of India

Introduction :- This article related with Preamble of the Constitution of India . In this article we will discuss about Preamble of Indian Constitution, Elements of Preamble of, Keywords of Preamble, importance of Preamble and other general information. Preamble of Constitution of India The Preamble of the Constitution of India is a brief introdouctory statement that sets out guidelines, which guide the people of the nation, and to present the principles of the Constitution, and to indicate the source from which the docoument derives its authority.  The Preamble of the Constitution was first included in the US Constitution, which was later adopted by many other countries, including India, including the dignity of the individual and the unity of the nation. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is based on the element of the 'Objective Proposal' Preamble, created and introduced by Pandit Nehru and adopted by the Constituent Assembly.  It was amended by the

Fundamental Rights in India

Introduction :- In this article, we will cover all the detail which related with Fundamental Rights . We will also discuss about the importance of Fundamental Rights and other general information. What are Fundamental Rights ? Fundamental Rights are the basic human rights inducted in the Constitution of India which are guaranteed to all citizens. These rights are applied without discrimination on the basis of race, birthplace, religion, gender etc. Fundamental Rights are inducted in Part III (Article 12-35) Constitution of India . The Indian Penal Code (IPC) and other laws allow punishment for the violation of these rights, subject to the discretion of the judciary. These rights are delivered to the citizens of India for Constitution tells that these Fundamental Rights are inviolable.  Why are they called Fundamental Rights ? These rights are called Fundamental Rights because of :- (1) These rights are inducted in the Constitution of India, which guarante

Supreme Court of India - History, Function, Composition, Jurisdiction

Introductin :- In this article we discuss about Supreme Court of India . What is history and function of Supreme Court of India . We will also discuss composition and jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India . Supreme Court of India The Supreme Court of India is the country's highest judicial court under the Constitution of India . It is the final court of appeal in the country. It was established on 1 October 1937 as Federal Court of India . After independence on 28 January 1950 , It was replaced by the  Supreme Court of India . The Supreme Court is the highest Constitutional court, with the power of judicial review. Consisting of the Chief Justice of India . It is regarded as the most powerful public institution in India. It safeguards fundamental rights of citizens. As per Article 142 of the constitution, it is the duty of the President to enforce the decrees of the supreme court. Mr Sharad Arvind Bobde is the current Chief Justice of India . History of Supreme

Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) - Role, Function, Appointment, Removal

Introduction :-  In this article, we will discuss about the Comptroller Auditor Genaral of India (CAG) .What is role & function of CAG  and  discuss other information, which related with CAG . Comptroller Auditor General of India (CAG) Comptroller and Auditor Genaral of India is the apex authority, established by under Article 148 Constitution of India for responsible for external and internal audits of the expenses of the National and State goverments. It is popularly known as the CAG of India.  He is one of the most strongest wall of the democratic system like that of Elcetion Commission of India (ECA) and the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) . The reports of the CAG are laid in Parliament/Legislatures and taken into consideration by the public accounts committees and Committees on public undertakings, which are special committees in the Parliament of the state legislatures. The CAG is mentioned in Constitution of India under Article 148 - 151 . The CAG